The first 1.0 release candidate of the Moqui Framework (version 1.0-rc1) was released on 3 August 2011.
This release includes various small new features based on feedback and actual use, including Apache Shiro for security (authc and authz), build using Gradle which supports Maven repositories and with directory layout changed to follow Maven conventions, the ability to run arbitrary SQL and get the results back in an EntityListIterator, and the Data View tool that allows users to build queries and data exports on the fly.
This release candidate also includes improvements based on more testing, including performance testing and profiling to dramatically increase the speed of various operations, especially those done frequently.
As a release candidate from this point only minor changes are expected before the 1.0 final production-ready release.
Release download files are available on SourceForge:
Note that there is a file that also incudes a preview release of the Mantle Universal Data Model running on Moqui Framework.